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Ebdaa International University

The education faculty for Arabic nonnative speakers

Prays be to Allah and peace upon Prophet Mohammad:

Our Aim:

To offer a unique education for Arabic nonnative speakers using the latest international Methods and the Scientific practices.


Arabic is the most ancient language ever, with its variety of styles and the beauty of its letters.

  • It is the language of the two divine revelations, the Holly Quran and the Sonnah.
  • It is the closest language to the logic grammars, as its expressions are nice, intact and easy to be expressed.
  • Arabs had established most of their expressions on three letters; this is due to its lightness and briefness, and its easiness of utterance.
  • The Briefness, which is considered the most important feature of the rhetorical speech, it has abridged too many efforts and time.
  • The Arabic language can be spoken same way as it is written, so it very easy to be read by the person who learned its letters and vowels.
  • The Arabic language does not need a foreign language, and can give away all other languages.
  • Its expression vowels can distinguish between the pronunciation and its meaning, and the grammatical junction between words in one sentence.
  • Each phoneme in the Arabic language has a certain character, a pronunciation exit, Intimation and indication, a meaning and a shadow, luminance, echo and Rhythm.
  • The Arabic language had been featured with its big amount of synonyms which had not been found in any other Semitic languages as well as in all the world languages.

The nonnative Arabic speakers had keened to study this language, and know its vocabulary, meanings, and grammars, so the emergence of this science has assisted to activate the role of the Arabic language to face the challenges, and to understand their religion affairs, so it is the source of the Holly Quran and the Prophetic Sonnah.

Program Definition:


(Arabic for Nonnative Speakers Program)


Arabic for Nonnative Speakers using the standard Arabic in order to comply with the foreigner needs for education in all live aspects.


  • To make Nonnative Arabic speakers love the Arabic language, as well as to spread it in the non-Arabic communities, and to reinforce its role and position as an International language.
  • To understand the principles of Islam and its legislation basis through the Holly Quran and legislation effects in the Arabic and Islamic culture and Literature.
  • To develop the students literary style in order to realize the beautiful aspects in speaking style and its meanings and images.
  • Enable the students to obtain the capability of using the Arabic Language with others in right way.
  • To offer a complete, modern, reactive Electronic Education for Arabic nonnative speaker.
  • To make the students get used to utilize the huge Arabic library and to get back to the Arabic books sources.


  • The cultural and civilized communication between the Arabs and the other international cultures.
  • The need of the Arabic nonnative speakers to have a complete electronic program that offers an improved educational series inside an improved electronic aspect based on self and remote education.
  • The Arabic language is the Holly Quran language, and due to its historical experience it can accommodate the new civilized and scientific developments.

Education Method:

The Arabic nonnative speaker’s education method consists of many important elements that can never be neglected:

  • Teaching the letters and its phonetics :


The teacher starts with this level in order to make the foreigner student knows the Arabic letters, and its articulation, because the foreign learner finds it difficult to utter some of the phonetic this is due to non-existence of such letters in his mother language.


  • Teaching how to speak :

After the letters and its phonetics, the teacher will move to another level, so he starts to practice the students on some simple sentences and expressions for example “This book” and he gives the student the chance to answer, and some real things or pictures in this level can assist.


  • Grammars Teaching:

The student learns grammars as per his level, so he follows either the theoretical grammar or the practical grammar by learning and practice the grammar.


  • Teaching vocabulary and its meanings:

The student learns the most popular standards then the vocabulary by translation, or by items indication. 


  • Teaching the reading:

The students learns the letters as per its alphabetical order in order to produce the word he needs to form words and phrases, also it can be done by using pictures, and this training can be done after the junctions of the letter with its phonetic.


  • Teaching the writing :

This level is in order to enable the student to draw the Arabic letters correctly and to express his thoughts using the following two ways:

  • Drawing the all shapes of the letter, for example the letter at the beginning of the sentence, in the middle, at the end, and the letters that accept and don not accept the junction.
  • The teacher submits the letters without a certain sorting, but as per its existence in the sentence.

Good Luck….