The classes are carried out in an actual place concept in an appointed period of time during the study program time, and additional interactions take place via the internet, such as Email and Chat, and most of the educational materials of the curriculum shall be electronically uploaded.
This channel will most likely attracts the students who have some experience in the usage of the electronic communications and computers, and it needs some experience by the faculty members.
The student’s meet point is in an actual lectures place, most of the class’s interactions and other additional interactions are carried out on the internet and electronically, most of the curriculum materials will be transferred into books or electronically.

Our Idea
It comes as a response to the knowledge growth towards the needs to have more learners as well as to meet the recent demand on the university, represented in the effectiveness, competition, and our responsibility to spread the legitimate education, especially toward its ethical initiative responsibility to deliver the education to all students regardless to the place and time, and one of the tools is the internet worldwide usage by the people who have this opportunity, in addition to the interne t possibilities in accordance with the vision of the improvement for such education, while the internet is more efficient to transfer the knowledge and education with new different methods.

Who we are
Our university is an educational virtual institution offers its remote educational services overtaking the place and time borders, it has originated from the traditional university, and it has a virtual educational environment with its virtual headquarter on the internet.
We put the Arabic language sciences at the hands of the non-Arabic speaking people.
In compliance with the students’ needs to the non-traditional education methods that our university based on, we aimed to a curriculum that contains an additional educational methods to enriched the student’s knowledge and make him look forward to the Academic virtual education.